Doing our best today for a brighter tomorrow
Class Information
Welcome to Swift Class page with Miss Craig and Miss Pennington!
Our aim as a class is to make sure all children feel loved, secure happy and motivated. Please speak to us about any updates, concerns or worries you may have.
Please make sure your child's uniform, PE kit, school bag and coat are labelled clearly! School bags need to come to school every day as we read with children in school as much as possible.
We do PE on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Please make sure your child has their full kit in school and that all jewellery is removed.
A homework task, spellings, maths and class library books are sent home every week. Sounds write books are sent home for reading every Friday. Please comment in your child's journal so we know that the book has been read.
Children have google logins stuck into the front of their journals. We do our spelling tests on a Thursday.
We attend forest school wherever possible so it is important children come to school prepared for the weather. Children will need coat, hats and suncream depending on the weather.
Class updates, photographs of work and activities and information will be uploaded to our class twitter feed. Follow our Twitter to see what we get up to - @BHCohort2930.
We focus on positive work and behaviour. We have TrackIt points, certificates, stickers and prizes.
Enjoy Year 1!