Doing our best today for a brighter tomorrow
Statement of Intent
The purpose of PE teaching at Beech Hill is to ensure all children have the opportunities to develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. The positive promotion of vigorous activity within school is supported by a range of extra-curricular clubs that give some pupils opportunities they may not otherwise receive.
PE across school is not taught through sport directly but through acquisition of skills that can be applied to each and every sport. This allows children to develop resilience and encourages children to take part in a range of different physical activities.
Across school each week we meet the statutory two hours of PE for each child, one session being taught by Premier Sport and the second by the class teacher. – In year 5, pupils second session is swimming, taught by Wigan Council. This year I have monitored the effectiveness of the PE teaching across school by drop in and formal lesson observations of both school staff and outside agency coaches. PE across school is assessed by Premier sport professional and can be accessed online by all teaching staff.
The impact of the raised profile of school sport on our school is already evident in that a larger group of pupils are now accessing extra-curricular clubs, including pupil premium and EAL pupils. We now have two competitive teams, football and netball, who compete in Wigan school leagues. From a personal point of view, I have seen a raised level of concentration and attainment from pupils in my class due to having the opportunity to be a part of competitive sport. This is something I will strive to continue over the coming years.