
Beech Hill Community Primary School

Doing our best today for a brighter tomorrow




          Mrs. Baldry                                 Miss. Tracey                                     



Hello and welcome to the Kestrel web page. (Year 5 & 6)  

This year will be action packed with lots of learning and new challenges!



Please see the links below for information about what we will be learning about this half term.

(Pocket Planner & UKS2 Curriculum Overview)



Reading is extremely important and your child is expected to read at home daily. Please write in their journal when they have read to you and ensure it is brought to school everyday. 



Your child will receive homework every Monday and this needs to be completed and returned to school for the following Monday.  The work that they are expected to complete at home is based on what they have been learning in class. Please note that spellings will be handed out on a Monday and will be tested on a Friday.  It  is also important that the children access Reading Plus ( a minimum of 2 half hour sessions weekly) and Times Table Rockstars regularly (20 mins a week.)



It is essential that your child has their P.E. kit in school. The P.E. sessions for Kestrel Class are on a Wednesday afternoon and a Friday morning.




Class Photographs
